Collection: Kaffeewunder® coffee rethought.

Coffee miracle espresso

100% Arabica coffee, pads, rum, soaps & cups.

Real coffee craftsmanship from Salzburg's largest, most modern and most sustainable coffee factory.

Earth, animals and plants: What nature produces is considered a true – never fully researched – miracle.

Coffee is one of them. The natural stimulant comes from the earth, grows and forms numerous ingredients that grow into the highest quality green coffee. The miracle begins when it is processed by humans because to this day it remains a secret how many aromatic substances are actually formed when coffee beans are roasted and brewed.

With the French Roast and Italian Roast roast levels we combine the best of both worlds! With our particularly gentle and very slow roasting process, the beans are not roasted too hot, the aromas and individual natural taste are retained and the coffee miracle can develop optimally. State-of-the-art controls on the roasting oven enable our roasting master to have constant control over the roasting process. This is the only way to protect fats, oils and flavorings in the bean .

16 products